
Installing Apache Guacamole in Ubuntu

How to install Apache Guacamole on an Ubuntu server

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Logrotate cheat-sheet

The following is a cheat-sheet for the logrotate Linux command-line utility

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Mounting VMDK files (read-only) in Ubuntu

How to mount a VMDK file in an Ubuntu shell.

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Services in systemd

A brief overview of working with service units in systemd.

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Targets in systemd

Similar to System V’s runlevels, systemd has targets. Targets are groups of units that represent different levels of operation.

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Mounting VMFS volume (read-only) in Ubuntu

How to mount a VMFS volume in an Ubuntu shell.

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I am using Linux as my router and have written instructions so that you can too.

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NetworkEnjin – Part 0: PPPoE

An optional rough guide for configuring PPPoE connections in Linux

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NetworkEnjin – Part 1: Routing with NFTables

How to install and configure basic routing in Linux using NFTables

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NetworkEnjin – Part 2: DNS and DHCP with DNSMasq

How to install DNSMasq and then configure it to handle DHCP and DNS

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Professional photo of Nathan Jackson