NetworkEnjin – Part 1: Routing with NFTables

To configure routing using NFTables we need to do the following:

  • Enable packet forwarding
  • Install, configure and enable NFTables
  • Disable IPTables

The configuring NFTables part can get complex quickly (I have included a base config for you to start with) but the rest of very straight forward.

Enabling packet forwarding

By default Ubuntu (like most Linux distributions) doesn’t enable packet forwarding out of the box so you’ll need to…

Create /etc/sysctl.d/90-nwenjin.conf with the following contents

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Kick-in the change

sysctl --system

You can test that it has applied using this command

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward

Replacing IPTables with NFTables

Install NFTables

apt install nftables

Populate /etc/nftables.conf with our base config. I’ll give some guidance for how to add to it later but for now make sure to populate the 2 variables with the right values and use this:

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

flush ruleset

define WAN_INTERFACE = {:WANInterface:}
define LAN_SUBNET = {:LANSubnet:}

table inet filter {

	chain outgoing {
		type filter hook output priority 100
		policy accept
	chain incoming {
		type filter hook input priority 0
		policy drop

		ct state established,related accept
		iif lo accept
		meta l4proto {icmp, icmpv6} accept
		ip saddr $LAN_SUBNET tcp dport 22 accept

	chain forwarding {
		type filter hook forward priority 0
		policy drop

		ip saddr $LAN_SUBNET oifname $WAN_INTERFACE accept
		iifname $WAN_INTERFACE ip daddr $LAN_SUBNET ct state related,established accept

table nat {

	chain prerouting {
		type nat hook prerouting priority 0

	chain postrouting {
		type nat hook postrouting priority 0

Enable and start NFTables

systemctl enable nftables.service
systemctl start nftables.service

Create /etc/modprobe.d/nwenjin.conf with the following contents

blacklist iptable_filter
blacklist ip_tables

Restart the machine for IPTables to be disabled and NFTables to be enabled.

Networking theory

Before you expand on the above base config to create yourself a simple firewall router, you’ll first need to understand some fundamentals of how our firewall will work.

In Linux, IPTables and NFTables sit on top of Netfilter which is the kernel’s networking hooks. It’s a bit over-simplified but Netfilter’s packet flow looks something like this:

Oversimplified diagram of how data flows through Netfilter

Groups of hooks are referred to as tables. For the purpose of our router we have two tables. A filter table for accepting or dropping traffic and a NAT table which changes the source or destination of traffic as it moves in or out of the router.

Now you do not put rules directly into a hook, rules are grouped together in a chain and that chain is associated with a hook. If you like, a chain can have only 1 rule.

The filter table in our base config has three chains:

  • Outgoing: Associated with the output hook to hold the rules for packets going from our router to another device. By default this chain will accept packets if another rule does not match.
  • Incoming: Associated with the input hook to hold the rules for packets hitting our router from another device. By default this chain will drop packets if another rule does not match.
  • Forwarding: Associated with the forward hook to hold the rules for packets being passed by our router from one device to another device. By default this chain will drop packets if another rule does not match.

The NAT table in our base config has two chains:

  • Pre-routing: Associated with the prerouting hook to hold the rules for doing a network translation before they go through our filter table.
  • Post-routing: Associated with the postrouting hook to hold the rules for doing a network translation after they have gone through our filter table.

It is important to note that you need rules for traffic to go in both directions. Just because you let traffic go one-way that does not guarantee that the response is allowed back the other way. As an example the base config has the following line in the incoming chain

ct state established,related accept

Because the input table drops traffic by default this line allows any responses to Outgoing traffic to be accepted upon their return.

Now to summarise (in reverse order to the above), all the components involved and how they connect to each other goes as follows:

  • We have our firewall rules
  • Which are in chains
  • The chains need to have some relationship with a hook (i.e input, output, forward)
  • Those hooks make up our tables

Web server example

You have a web server that is behind a router which is your firewall between the internet and your local/private network. The router has the following NFTable config:

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

flush ruleset

define WAN_INTERFACE = {:WANInterface:}
define LAN_SUBNET = {:LANSubnet:}
define WEB_SERVER = {:WebServerPrivateIP:}

table inet filter {

		type inet_service

		elements = { 80, 443 }

	chain outgoing {
		type filter hook output priority 100
		policy accept
	chain incoming {
		type filter hook input priority 0
		policy drop

		ct state established,related accept
		iif lo accept
		meta l4proto {icmp, icmpv6} accept
		ip saddr $LAN_SUBNET tcp dport 22 accept

	chain forwarding {
		type filter hook forward priority 0
		policy drop

		ip saddr $LAN_SUBNET oifname $WAN_INTERFACE accept
		iifname $WAN_INTERFACE ip daddr $LAN_SUBNET ct state related,established accept
		ip daddr $WEB_SERVER tcp dport @WEB_SERVER_PORTS accept
		ip saddr $WEB_SERVER ct state related,established accept

table nat {

		type inet_service

		elements = { 80, 443 }

	chain prerouting {
		type nat hook prerouting priority 0

	chain postrouting {
		type nat hook postrouting priority 0
		oif $WAN_INTERFACE masquerade

This configuration is an example of how you can allow public internet traffic to hit your private network web server. As the internet is only aware of your public IP for traffic to reach your web server on it’s private IP a few things need to happen in your router.

Phase 1: The incoming web request

1.1 Pre-routing

The traffic will reach your router with the destination being marked as your public IP. Because the public IP belongs to your router, without modification this traffic would hit the incoming chain and be processed there but we need it to be processed via our forwarding chain. To do this a rule is required to change the destination of the traffic from your public IP address to the private IP of our web server before the routing decision is made.

That is handled by this line in your pre-routing chain:


In plain English: When incoming traffic hits the interface $WAN_INTERFACE on the destination TCP ports @WEB_SERVER_PORTS perform a network address translation of the destination to be $WEB_SERVER.

1.2 Filtering

With the traffic destination no longer being an IP assigned to the router it will be assessed in the forwarding chain. A rule is required to say that traffic to the web server on HTTP/S ports from the internet is allowed.

That is handled by this line in your forwarding chain:

ip daddr $WEB_SERVER tcp dport @WEB_SERVER_PORTS accept

In plain English: For traffic where the destination is $WEB_SERVER on TCP ports @WEB_SERVER_PORTS accept the packets for delivery.

1.3 Post-routing

As the packet should be on its way to the correct target there is no need for a post-routing rule.

Phase 2: The outgoing response

2.1 Pre-routing

As the packet should be on its way back to the correct target there is no need for a pre-routing rule.

2.2 Filtering

With the destination being a public IP it will be assessed in the forwarding chain. A rule is required to say that traffic from the web server is allowed back out to the internet.

That is handled by this line in your forwarding chain:

ip saddr $WEB_SERVER ct state related,established accept

In plain English: For traffic where the source is $WEB_SERVER and the state of the packet is related or established accept the packets for delivery.

Technically this is not needed because the following rule also covers this, but it helps to be explicit because if you make changes down the track you might miss that this rule has multiple functions.

ip saddr $LAN_SUBNET oifname $WAN_INTERFACE accept

2.3 Post-routing

The traffic leaving the router will still have the source IP as the web server’s private IP. A rule should be created to change the source IP of the web traffic to have the public IP.

That is handled by this line in your postrouting chain:

oif $WAN_INTERFACE masquerade

In plain English: When outgoing traffic leaves the interface $WAN_INTERFACE masquerade it as that interface (as in perform a network address translation of the source to be the IP of $WAN_INTERFACE).