Website attributions

While the bulk of the HTML, JS & CSS for this site was written by me (license information can be found here), I would like to express thanks to the following for their attributions.


[Link] - Hugo was used to cobble my code and content together into an easy to manage bundle.


[Link] - My last website was a Wordpress site that used the Magazine Pro theme by Studiopress. I liked it that much that when I decided to switch to Hugo I recreated their design.

Edd Turtle

[Link] - Building this site as a Hugo beginner, implementing client side search for Hugo seemed a little-too-hard basket for my liking. Instead of figuring it out for myself, I repurposed the code from Edd’s tutorial I have linked.


[Link] - A “Powerful, lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies” from Edd’s client side search tutorial.
It is made available under the Apache Software License 2.0.


[Link] - “Search term highlighting intended for every use case” from Edd’s client side search tutorial.
It is made available under the MIT license.

JavaScript MD5

[Link] - Also in the little-too-hard basket was implementing MD5 in JS for this page so I used this library.
It is made available under the MIT license.


[Link] - My Structure.css library uses Normalize.css as a base.
It is made available under the MIT license.

Simple Icons

[Link] - Brand logos from side-bar were sourced from this site.
They were made available under the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 license.

Professional photo of Nathan Jackson